Earlier this year I became a UK citizen. I applied as a consequence of Brexit, like many others. At the same time, even more Brits in the EU have applied for passports of their adopted countries. I comment on the vital cultural issue of Brexit and dual nationality in...
Last week I ran a workshop for super-smart German sixth-formers interested in the UK and asked them whether they could imagine studying in Britain post Brexit. The kids belonged to the demographic that, when I was their age, hoped to go to Britain to study. Now, 8 out...
Wäre es nicht faszinierend und nützlich, wenn wir Assoziationen messen könnten? Wie oft stehen wir jemandem gegenüber und fragen uns, ob er eine Sache genauso versteht wie wir oder sich etwas ganz anderes vorstellt, wenn wir zum Beispiel „Innovation“ oder „Migrant“...
100 days before the Brexit date of 31.10.2019 I gave an interview with Germany’s Catholic News Agency, explaining my view that much of the current controversy around Brexit is a result of Theresa May’s unwillingness to communicate — she created one...
The idea of a citizens’ assembly has been proposed by many in the UK as a way of bringing a divided country together. New research on citizenship raises questions about the prospects of this exercise. Together with my colleague, Cory Massaro, I have analysed the...
On May 17 I will explore the link between language and leadership at a public event at London’s RSA House. I was recently told that Britain spends to much time obsessing about language when it needs a ‘f***g plan.’ I disagree. Authors of viable plans understand the...