Kulinarische Hermeneutik

Kulinarische Hermeneutik

Courses / Kurse Kulinarische Hermeneutik I have taught this course or parts of it at Content Rezepte antworten deutlich auf einfache Fragen: Wieviel? Wie lange? Wie heiß? Tritt man nachdenklich vom Herd zurück, erkennt man: Sie setzen aber auch viel voraus. Man muss...
The Centre in German Politics

The Centre in German Politics

Courses / Kurse The Centre in German Politics I have taught this course or parts of it at Um uns herum spüren wir es, hören wir es, lesen wir davon: Die Mitte in der deutschen Politik ist weg. Einst fest in unseren Mythos von Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft eingekerbte...
Introduction to German History

Introduction to German History

Courses / Kurse Introduction to German History I have taught this course or parts of it at Content A series of overview lectures, covering the five centuries from Luther to Laptops in 500 minutes! I look forward to hearing from you if you would like me to teach...
Romantische Lyrik / Romantic Poetry

Romantische Lyrik / Romantic Poetry

Courses / Kurse Romantische Lyrik / Romantic Poetry I have taught this course or parts of it at Content In these seminars we will study a selection of poetry from the Romantic period of German literature (the very late 18th and early 19th centuries), by a variety of...
Specialised Translation

Specialised Translation

Courses / Kurse Specialised Translation (DE – EN – DE) I have taught this course or parts of it at Content This unit equips you with the knowledge and skills to build up a specialist area of expertise in translation. Concept You will learn to research and...
Applied Translation

Applied Translation

Courses / Kurse Applied Translation (DE – EN – DE) I have taught this course or parts of it at Content The aim of the course is to prepare you to become a reflective practitioner of translation into English or German, and to develop increasingly...