Last week I ran a workshop for super-smart German sixth-formers interested in the UK and asked them whether they could imagine studying in Britain post Brexit. The kids belonged to the demographic that, when I was their age, hoped to go to Britain to study. Now, 8 out...
The idea of a citizens’ assembly has been proposed by many in the UK as a way of bringing a divided country together. New research on citizenship raises questions about the prospects of this exercise. Together with my colleague, Cory Massaro, I have analysed the...
What does the language that we use about Brexit reveal about what is important to Brexiteers? Analysis of the language around the Irish backstop may shed light on positions and preferences. Brexit has caused new tensions between the United Kingdom and Ireland. The...
For the UK, it’s deal or no-deal. But other European countries talk about the options for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU in different terms. The divergence in terminology indicates that attitudes to Brexit as well as the European project more generally are also...
Why has it been so difficult for Theresa May to convince her own MP’s of the importance of the Political declaration about the future relationship between the UK and the EU? The answer to this question has a lot to do with the view of politics that currently...
National newspapers in the UK and Germany have published three open letters with ideas about the future relationship between the two countries. They are remarkably different in both substance and style, and the little words are more revealing than the big ones. So...