In September 2018 I published a German book presenting 111 reasons to love England, called 111 Gründe, England zu lieben. Here are 5 things that people have been asking me ever since about my love for England. 1: “Is it about England or Britain?” I appreciate that...
Stop worrying about data, and start thinking about how you can change the world, and how it is changing all around you – advice given by Mihai Nadin, one of the United States’ leading Interactive Technology researchers, in an exclusive interview I conducted with him...
Christmas Away-message ideas are in short supply, and Christmas away-messages can be very boring, so I’ve decided — prompted by my wonderful assistant! — to write a couple of messages that are slightly more entertaining (I hope!). They are tailored...
I was recently asked to define the biggest challenge in work across cultures, and how students can prepare for it. This was my response, delivered at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, at a panel discussion with Professor Martin Kornmeier, Elke Müller (Compass...
At a recent meeting held at Goldsmiths in London on Translation and Interpretation work in Multilingual Business Communities, I was given the opportunity to contribute my analysis about the role that language and translation can play in multilingual research projects....
Over the last four months, a group of students at the University of Bristol and I have explored the crisis of centrism that informs contemporary political debates in Germany as well as in many other European countries. What we have looked at We examined four aspects...