5 questions people ask about my love for England

5 questions people ask about my love for England

In September 2018 I published a German book presenting 111 reasons to love England, called 111 Gründe, England zu lieben. Here are 5 things that people have been asking me ever since about my love for England. 1: “Is it about England or Britain?” I appreciate that...
„We don’t need more data to make better decisions“

„We don’t need more data to make better decisions“

Stop worrying about data, and start thinking about how you can change the world, and how it is changing all around you – advice given by Mihai Nadin, one of the United States’ leading Interactive Technology researchers, in an exclusive interview I conducted with him...
Best Christmas Away-Message Ideas: This Poem!

Best Christmas Away-Message Ideas: This Poem!

Christmas Away-message ideas are in short supply, and Christmas away-messages can be very boring, so I’ve decided — prompted by my wonderful assistant! — to write a couple of messages that are slightly more entertaining (I hope!). They are tailored...
The biggest challenge for graduates working across cultures

The biggest challenge for graduates working across cultures

I was recently asked to define the biggest challenge in work across cultures, and how students can prepare for it. This was my response, delivered at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, at a panel discussion with Professor Martin Kornmeier, Elke Müller (Compass...
4 Translation Challenges in Multilingual Research

4 Translation Challenges in Multilingual Research

At a recent meeting held at Goldsmiths in London on Translation and Interpretation work in Multilingual Business Communities, I was given the opportunity to contribute my analysis about the role that language and translation can play in multilingual research projects....
Crisis of Centrism: 10 Lessons for the Centre

Crisis of Centrism: 10 Lessons for the Centre

Over the last four months, a group of students at the University of Bristol and I have explored the crisis of centrism that informs contemporary political debates in Germany as well as in many other European countries. What we have looked at We examined four aspects...