On the day of Tomas Tranströmer’s Nobel Prize it’s time to reflect. Physicists at CERN are concerned: did they just witness something move faster than light? In a recent experiment, neutrinos reached an underground detector in Abruzzo earlier than photons...
1. Being a Writer in Residence means my life at Rutgers is great. Quote of the day: “Ich geh dich jetzt lesen. Du stehst im Freihandbereich.” Talk about a hands-on approach to contemp lit … 2. Teaching a course on German humor is just as much fun. We...
Here is another list — I’ve collected some of those little flavoring phrases that I am going to miss hearing or saying in English. I’m posting these as my boxes are on their way across the Atlantic. The term “flavoring phrases” is used as...
OK, I don’t like lists but I’ve decided to write two, and I would love you to contribute — to lists of German things I miss and German things I don’t miss. As I am about to move back to Germany I would like to think about what I have been...