Thoughts on Occasion of Tomas Tranströmer’s Nobel Prize

Thoughts on Occasion of Tomas Tranströmer’s Nobel Prize

On the day of Tomas Tranströmer’s Nobel Prize it’s time to reflect. Physicists at CERN are concerned: did they just witness something move faster than light? In a recent experiment, neutrinos reached an underground detector in Abruzzo earlier than photons...
Ten Fun Facts about my Life at Rutgers

Ten Fun Facts about my Life at Rutgers

1. Being a Writer in Residence means my life at Rutgers is great. Quote of the day: “Ich geh dich jetzt lesen. Du stehst im Freihandbereich.” Talk about a hands-on approach to contemp lit … 2. Teaching a course on German humor is just as much fun. We...
Great Things to Say to Friends

Great Things to Say to Friends

Here is another list — I’ve collected some of those little flavoring phrases that I am going to miss hearing or saying in English. I’m posting these as my boxes are on their way across the Atlantic. The term “flavoring phrases” is used as...
German Things I Miss — German Things I Don’t Miss

German Things I Miss — German Things I Don’t Miss

OK, I don’t like lists but I’ve decided to write two, and I would love you to contribute — to lists of German things I miss and German things I don’t miss. As I am about to move back to Germany I would like to think about what I have been...