Die gegenwärtige Krise westlicher Demokratien besteht ganz offensichtlich darin, dass das Gespräch zwischen Technokraten und Populisten so schwer geworden ist. Es entsteht der Eindruck, dass Intelligenz und Emotion einander unversöhnlich gegenüberstehen. Kompromisse...
100 days before the Brexit date of 31.10.2019 I gave an interview with Germany’s Catholic News Agency, explaining my view that much of the current controversy around Brexit is a result of Theresa May’s unwillingness to communicate — she created one...
The idea of a citizens’ assembly has been proposed by many in the UK as a way of bringing a divided country together. New research on citizenship raises questions about the prospects of this exercise. Together with my colleague, Cory Massaro, I have analysed the...
On May 17 I will explore the link between language and leadership at a public event at London’s RSA House. I was recently told that Britain spends to much time obsessing about language when it needs a ‘f***g plan.’ I disagree. Authors of viable plans understand the...
Britain has become a country divided by a common language. Brexiters and Remainers hardly talk to each other, and the visions they paint of the future of their country are radically different. This is evident in what they say, and in what they choose not to say. Their...
What does the language that we use about Brexit reveal about what is important to Brexiteers? Analysis of the language around the Irish backstop may shed light on positions and preferences. Brexit has caused new tensions between the United Kingdom and Ireland. The...