Call for Papers: Encounters Conference in Bristol

Call for Papers: Encounters Conference in Bristol

What goes on in an encounter, and what can we say and know about the meeting between two people? Which notions of encounter are there? Personal encounters are intense, asymmetrical, and often surprising exchanges. They bring into play the differences between two...
Translatable! Three Translation Events at Bristol

Translatable! Three Translation Events at Bristol

Everyone is invited to an afternoon of translation events on 17 December 2013 at the University of Bristol’s School of Modern Languages (SML). The schedule of this new iteration of Translatable! is as follows: 2pm: workshop with distinguished Canadian translator...
Junges Literaturforum Hessen Thüringen

Junges Literaturforum Hessen Thüringen

Schreiben ist ein bisschen wie Schwulsein. Wenn man jung ist, denkt man, man ist der einzige. Man weiß nicht, wie’s geht. Und man hat keine Ahnung, was mal draus werden soll. Irgendwie wurstelt man sich so durch. Meistens allein. Und dann kommt die hessische...
Intellectual Property Online

Intellectual Property Online

Angela Merkel has called for a rigorous implementation of existing Urheberrecht principles and regulations online. I expressed by strong support for the protection of intellectual property online at a conference on the Internet and Human Rights, held at the German...